The M.Ed. in Professional Counseling is designed for graduate students preparing for employment as professional counselors in schools, community agencies, and colleges or universities or for careers in college student services in colleges and universities. Two options of study, School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling, are available.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program sheet, which provides a required coursework sequence, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

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Mission Statement:

The Counselor Education Program at the University of West Georgia provides educational excellence in a personal environment through:

  • challenging and supporting personal and professional development of students and faculty;
  • promoting evidence-based practice;
  • teaching from a knowledge base grounded in research;
  • affirming diversity of ideas, values and persons;
  • upholding the highest ethical principles in professional conduct;
  • communicating new knowledge and ideas through applied research; and
  • engaging in collaborative relationships with colleagues, institutions, and communities.

We are committed to the education of exemplary practitioners through adherence to the highest professional preparation standards.

Learning Objectives:

(1) Candidates will demonstrate professional dispositions consistent with the field of professional counseling, as measured by an average rating of "proficient" or higher on a summative administration of the Professional Dispositions and Behaviors Rubric.

(2) Candidates will demonstrate professional skills consistent with the field of professional counseling, as measured by an average rating of "proficient" or higher on a summative administration of the Field Placement Evaluation.

(3) Candidates will know the major concepts, theories, and practices articulated in current counselor preparation standards, as measured by a passing score on the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE).